Five Tips To Make Your Happy Hour A Hit

We love hosting hit Happy Hours, so we've decided to share our tips and tricks to make your gathering the best it can be! 


1. Be sure to have lots of beverage options, and don't run out of alcohol. Food is also a must.

  • People need options! The more options you have available, the more your guests will enjoy themselves. If they can make their favorite drink, they'll automatically feel at home! At our recent Happy Hour, we had loads to choose from - vodka, tequila, rum, prosecco, beer and White Claw. In addition to the alcohol, we had sparkling water and every Skinny Syrup flavor you can imagine. We encouraged our guests to be their own bartender and make their own cocktail creations!
  • Along with alcohol, we had light snacks - a cheese platter, a meat platter, and a vegetable platter. Every last cheese square was gone by the end of the night so this is proven to be a hit snack.

    2. Only invite close family and friends.

    • Keep things exclusive - 15-20 people max. Try to only invite close friends and family. The more people you have, the less time you will have to truly engage with everyone. The less people you have = the less you have to clean up afterwards. Trust me when I say 15-20 people is the place to start!

    3. Drinking games? Yes please!

    • Drinking games are certain to get the party started. Beer Pong was a SMASH at our happy hour. Our guests played all night. It was as if there was a tournament going! Below are some suggestions for more drinking games.
    • Beer Pong or Prosecco Pong
    • Flip Cup
    • Kings Cup 
    • Most Likely 

    4. Make your space inviting.

    • Turn the lights down low, make sure you have comfy chairs for lounging, and clear the floor so there's space to stand around.
    • For our happy hour, along with doing everything stated above, we also decorated the bar as shown in the photos! Decorate your space in a way your guests will remember.
    • Another great way to decorate is to stick with the same color scheme. We had pink cups, pink tablecloths, pink beer pong balls, etc. Everything was pink!
    • Make sure you have candles to make the place smell amazing!

    5. Make sure there's a dog at the party.

    • Who DOESN'T love when there's a dog at a party?! A dog can definitely be a great ice breaker when the party is first starting. Ok - maybe you don't need a dog at your party, but you do need an ice breaker. At least have good snacks.



    - The Skinny Mixes Team
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    Five Tips To Make Your Happy Hour A Hit